Getting a cell phone often becomes difficult for people who have a history of a bed credit. Few service providers need a huge amount of deposit and sometimes they don't pay this amount back to the person availing the service. Credit rating of a person is something that determines the person's capacity to pay the money charged by the service provider every month. It affects the person when he is applying for a cell phone.
Prepaid and billed are the two types of plans that service providers offer to a customer. The prepaid plan refers to a plan where the amount to be used for calls is paid in advance which can be understood as something similar to a debit card, where you have an amount already in the bank and you simply withdraw it when you need it. Billed plan on the other hand, refers to a plan where the phone calls are made first and paid later at the end of the month when the service provider charges the customer for the calls.
There are credits which can be availed by people with a bad credit rating. They are called bad credit cell contracts. They are given to people who have had some issues in paying an amount owed to an organization in the past.
Almost all the companies prefer customers with a high credit rating but there are companies who cater for bad credit rating also. These companies ask the person to pay a lump sum initially and this amount is directly proportional to his credit rating. If it is low, the amount will be high, ranging from $200 to $400.
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